Our Capabilities

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 Electric Substation Construction and Expansion

Examples of our substation capabilities include, but are not limited to: 345kv & 138kv Transformer Builds and 69kv Cap Bank; Replace 345kv & 138kv Breakers, CCVTs, PTs, Switches, Arrestors, Insulators and Bus work; Hydrovac and install trough, ground grid w/rods & cadwelds, conduit and control cables; Replace relay panels/cabinets plus provide testing and  commissioning support; Construct monopoles & towers
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Storm Restoration of Power Lines

Our experienced power line crew safely restoring electricity to local customers.
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Hydro Excavation/ Hydrovac

Advanced non-destructive vacuum excavation. As one of the first companies to adopt Hydro Excavation to safely expose sensitive utilities, we now operate a fleet of these essential vac trucks.
Poured foundation

Structural Concrete

Our in house structural concrete crews are experienced in all facets of commercial foundations, from slabs to buildings.


Telecom infrastructure from overhead to underground is in our wheel house. 
Material supply

Material Supply

Recognizing the difficulty we have with materials supply and management on our job sites, HEI Material Supply was born.
We strive to see materials supply through the lens of the contractor and customers we work for in order to make this critical piece of a project more efficient.
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Tower Division

Construction of new towers and monopoles; Expansion and modifications of existing structures. Safety is the name of the game here and with decades of experience, our safety record is impeccable.
Drill rig
Underground Directional Drilling/Boring
We have been directional drilling for twenty years including telecom, gas, electrical, street light, and sewer

How can we help you?

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